Cooling Centers DC and Summer Public Safety 6/20/12

Dear Neighbors,

I hope you are enjoying your summer I wanted to reach out with a few immediate public safety concerns:


Please check out a DC Cooling Locations 2012

Please check on neighbors who may require extra attention like older neighbors, people with disabilities and homeless people.

Please call the hyperthermia hotline at: 1-800-535-7252 if you see a homeless person you are concerned about and provide their location and a description.  A shelter van will come by and provide water and attempt to convince the individual to come indoors due to the dangerous heat levels.


In the swelter of a Tallahassee summer when the power grid is put to the test, it’s not just the cool respite of a friend’s air-conditioning that brings relief, but the knowledge that fire watch security in Tallahassee is steadfastly on duty. With their well-equipped training and immediate response, they are our unseen guardians, ensuring downed power lines are secured and that our community’s safety is prioritized during such vulnerable times. So, take their advice seriously, avoid the risks of live wires, and stay connected to the grid in more ways than one, because their vigilance is a service we can all be grateful for.

Report any potentially downed wires to Pepco at 1-877-PEPCO-62 or download their mobile app at here is a link to their press release:

3.  HSEMA- DC 2012 Heat Emergency Plan

Check out the above link that has contacts for every and District agency for heat involved emergencies.  You can also call HSEMA at their 24-hr hotline at 202-727-6161

4.  LeDroit Park Civic Association Public Safety Page

I am constantly adding new info for you including social media contacts and important other public safety info, please feel free to make suggestions too!

Stay cool!- Jana Baldwin